Dedicated to Improving the Health of Iowans
We are proud to subsidize a wide variety of programs to ensure Iowans who are either underinsured or uninsured have access to quality medical care for mammograms and cervical screenings. Bras for the Cause also provides valuable grants for relevant, cancer-related projects.
Grants Awarded in 2024:
Polk County Health - $25,000
Planned Parenthood of the Heartland - $25,000
Mercy One - $7,500
John Stoddard Cancer Center - $7,500
CanDo Cancer - $5,000
Clarke County Hospital Foundation - $5,000
Chrysalis Foundation - $2,000
Grants Awarded in 2023:
Polk County Health - $25,000
Planned Parenthood of the Heartland - $25,000
Mercy One - $10,000
John Stoddard Cancer Center - $10,000
Grants Awarded in 2022:
Polk County Health - $25,000
Planned Parenthood of the Heartland - $15,000
Mercy One - $5,000
John Stoddard Cancer Center - $5,000
Grants Awarded in 2021:
Polk County Health - $20,000
Planned Parenthood of the Heartland - $20,000
Mercy One - $7,000
Can Do Cancer - $7,000
John Stoddard Cancer Center - $7,000
In 2019-20, Planned Parenthood of the Heartland was able to help over 1,000 Iowans access lifesaving early cervical and breast cancer screenings including 576 pap exams, 1,246 breast exams and 70 colposcopy and leep visits with money raised by Bras for the Cause. Also that year, John Stoddard Cancer Center was able to serve 176 Iowans with their Pink Days Program utilizing the funds they received from our organization in 2019.
Grant Guidelines
Funding Priorities
Funds are awarded for the following:
Mammography exams, breast ultrasounds, and imaging tests necessary to detect and diagnose breast cancer
PAP exams to screen for cervical cancer
Education and awareness related to early detection and treatment
Help for low-income Iowans with high-deductible plans
Some equipment
Care coordinator services
Transportation expenses associated with services promoted by Bras for the Cause
Because funds are limited, Bras for the Cause is unable to approve all requests received. Each request is carefully evaluated on overall impact and availability of funds.
Bras for the Cause looks favorably upon applications from organizations that:
Administer effective programs or projects
Provide measurable and meaningful results
Demonstrate financial stability and accountability
Bras for the Cause prefers the following types of proposals for grant funding consideration:
Proposals that will allow the recipient organization to introduce new services or expand existing services to Iowans
Proposals between $5,000 and $25,000
Projects with multiple funding sources, most of which are already identified and secured
Projects that will have an impact on a measurable number of Iowans
Bras for the Cause does not accept applications for the following:
Organizations, projects or programs wholly or mostly operating outside of the United States
Political parties, campaigns, candidates, or partisan organizations
Private foundations
Bras for the Cause will not ordinarily consider the following:
Organizations/associations that redistribute funds to other tax-exempt groups (with the exception of United Way, Greater Des Moines Community Foundation, and the Iowa College Foundation)
Ongoing operational expenses
Applicants must be non-profit, tax-exempt organizations that have received a 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) designation from the Internal Revenue Service (applications pending will not be considered), or must be a unit of political subdivisions or other such non-profits organized exclusively for the promotion of social welfare as determined by Bras for the Cause at its sole discretion. Organizations applying for a Bras for the Cause grant must provide programs and services to the men and women of Iowa.
Performance Measurement
Grant-recipient organizations are expected to communicate with the Bras for the Cause Grants Director regarding the use of their grant awards. This includes a signed grant agreement between the organization and Bras for the Cause outlining requirements and expectations for superior performance.
Recipient organizations will be asked to present a detailed recognition plan outlining how Bras for the Cause will be recognized for its contribution.
In addition, recipient organizations will be required to complete a Grant Evaluation Report (yearly, at a minimum). And, upon completion of the project, a Final Grant Evaluation Report detailing the use of the funds received from Bras for the Cause reporting on project progress and documenting outcomes and results.
Application Deadline
Grant applications must be submitted to the Bras for the Cause Grants Director by April 30th, 2024. No exceptions to this deadline will be made. Any application received after the deadline will not be considered.
Grant Review Timeline
The Bras for the Cause Grants Director will review all applications. After the evaluation has been completed, recommended applications will be forwarded to the Bras for the Cause Board of Directors for approval. Applicants will receive notification of the Board's decision by May 31st, 2024 and grant funds will be distributed by June 30th, 2024.
Please fill out the form below for grant consideration.
Organizations that provide an email address on their application will receive a confirmation of receipt once their application has been processed.
If you are requesting funding for more than one project, you must complete a separate grant application for each request.
Contact our Grants Director with any questions.